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About Subscriptions offers an Annual Subscription

The Annual Subscription gives you access to all royalty-free sound effects and music on and will automatically include all new content added to the site during the term of your Subscription.

The Annual Fee for the Subscription is $240. SoundDogs subscription payments are made through PayPal. Purchase Here. 
There are no additional fees for this subscription unless your licensing needs fall outside our standard end-user license agreement.

The purpose of the Annual Subscription is to provide our customers with a reasonably priced option to exercise for their professional use. Downloads are monitored. As part of the monitoring process, the $240 Annual Fee allows you to download up 2,000 sounds/music tracks per year.

Your Annual Subscription will automatically renew on the anniversary start date.  You can prevent automatic renewal by unsubscribing before your renewal date.
Please note that unsubscribing will terminate your membership immediately. Starting from the date of your request, you will no longer have access to any credits downloaded during the term of your subscription, or be able to make new downloads through your prior subscription.
  Contact us to unsubscribe.

If you reach the download limit before the year is up, the option to pay for downloads with your Subscription will be suspended. You can purchase another Subscription or pay for individual sounds as you need them.

Please note that Subscription activity is monitored to protect from individuals who would scrape the Web site for all of its content or attempt bulk downloads.

White Water, Falls, Overhead
3ch | 24/96 | 10977776
0:00 /
Cost: $5.12